Since I can remember I was always building something. I always felt an unquenchable thirst to research, explore, and try to understand the world around me.
I have always been fascinated by technology, especially machines. How they work? How they operate? How they are made? And then I always wondered what would it be like if these machines could think, feel, learn and operate like us?
These questions led me to study Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering at the University of Patras in Greece. I spent four years conducting research, immersing myself with different fields of engineering, such as aeronautics, manufacturing, design, and virtual reality. During my work as a researcher at the University of Patras I realized the innovation and revolution that could possibly be influenced by the incorporation of intelligence in currently “semantically dark” applications.
My approach to understanding this subject matter started from my early academic studies focusing on topics like quantifying complexity in virtual environments. This continued later in a professional capacity with my involvement in the modelling of semantic databases for aircraft cockpit models. The latter, sparking my curiosity and leading me in researching robotics, artificial intelligence and computer perception.
In 2018 I started my doctoral studies at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), where, under the supervision of Prof. Dario Floreano, I am working on the topic of bioinspired, morphing aerial robots that are able to negotiate diverse environments.
This site is dedicated to highlighting my learning journey through exploration, discovery, and research.